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A place where we can publish some things you are doing in your English, Galician, Spanish and French classes... Un lugar onde podemos publicar cousas que facedes nas vosas clases de Inglés, Galego, Castelán e Francés... Un lugar donde podemos publicar cosas que hacéis en vuestras clases de Inglés, Gallego, Castellano y Francés... Un lieu oú nous pouvons publier quelques choses que vous êtes en train de faire dans vos cours de Anglais, Galicien, Espagnol et Français...

Friday, June 01, 2007

June birthdays

Happy Birthday to all the people who were born in June!!
So Happy Birthday Martiño (2nd); Sara (6th); Fátima (7th); Arantxa (15th); Miguel (16th); Rocío (24th) and César (25th)!!!

As we are learning several languages and their cultures...

- Do you want to wish a "Happy Birthday" or sing a "Happy Birthday" song in different languages?

- Do you want to know more about birthday traditions from around the world?


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