April birthdays
Happy Birthday to all the people who were born in April!! So Happy Birthday Celso (11th); Rubén (12th); Carmen (14th); Adriana (22nd); Ramón (25th); Marta, Sainza and Alejandro (29th); and Álvaro (30th)!!!
As we are learning several languages and their cultures...
- Do you want to wish a "Happy Birthday" or sing a "Happy Birthday" song in different languages?
- Do you want to know more about birthday traditions from around the world?
As we are learning several languages and their cultures...
- Do you want to wish a "Happy Birthday" or sing a "Happy Birthday" song in different languages?
- Do you want to know more about birthday traditions from around the world?
Noraboa por eses cumpreanos. Que cumprades moitos máis e nos sigades contando cousas tan divertidas.A min, polo de agora,o post que máis me gustou foi o do"Pemán portugués".
O do Pemán portugués tamén me gustou moito; pero penso que o das adiviñas é o meu favorito, e o dos Pokémon...
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