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Saturday, March 17, 2007

European teachers

Nine girls from different European countries are visiting our school and our classrooms these days. They are future Primary and Secondary teachers, and they are participating in REBELS: a Comenius 2.1 project, supported by the European Commission. We've had the opportunity to interview them: do you want to read some of their answers?

What’s your name?
I´m Ayse.
Where do you live?
I live in Turkey.
How old are you?
I´m 19 years old.
What is a typical food in your country?
What’s your favourite friend’s name?
What’s your favourite football team?

What’s your name?
I´m Nesli.
Where do you live?
I live in Turkey.
How old are you?
I´m 20 years old.
What is a typical food in your country?
Döner Kebap.
What’s your favourite friend’s name?
What’s your favourite football team?

What’s your name?
I´m Seyda.
Where do you live?
I live in Turkey.
How old are you?
I´m 18 years old.
What is a typical food in your country?
Etliekmek is a typical food in my country.
What’s your favourite friend’s name?
What’s your favourite football team?

What’s your name?
I´m Anna.
What’s your surname?
Where are you from?
I'm from Poland.
What is a traditional food in your country?
Can you speak Spanish?
A little.
When is your birthday?
On 11th April.

What’s your name?
I´m Natalie.
What’s your surname?
Where are you from?
I'm from Poland.
What is a traditional food in your country?
Can you speak Spanish?
No, I can´t.
When is your birthday?
On 17th May.

What’s your name?
I´m Dineke.
What’s your surname?
Van Voorthuysen.
Where are you from?
I'm from The Netherlands.
What is a traditional food in your country?
Potatoes mixed with vegetables.
Can you speak Spanish?
No, I can´t.
When is your birthday?
On 19th November.

What’s your name?
I´m Esmee.
What’s your surname?
Where are you from?
I'm from Holland.
What is a traditional food in your country?
What kind of music do you like?
Pop Dutch.
When is your birthday?
On 9th July.

What’s your name?
I´m Aukje.
What’s your surname?
Where are you from?
I'm from Holland.
What is a traditional food in your country?
Hutspot potatoes.
What kind of music do you like?
Pop music.
When is your birthday?
On 25th May.


At Mon Mar 19, 07:57:00 pm, Blogger spike said...

Just a note: The Netherlands = Holland.

At Mon Mar 19, 08:55:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello from Holland!
I am a Spanish student from REBEL's project. It is nice to have some news from other pupils :D
Kind regards

At Mon Mar 19, 08:55:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, Marykinha!
Thank you very much for your comment! Are you having a good time in Holland? Have you tried this typical food the Dutch girls have mentioned in their answers?
Enjoy your visit to that country!!

At Wed Mar 21, 04:41:00 pm, Blogger Andrederabal said...

Que sorte tivestes!!!!
¿poidestes falar con xente de outros paises?Unha pregunta:E logo,¿tamen sabedes turco e holandes?.Meu deus ,se savedes,si que tendes un futuro asegurado.

At Wed Mar 21, 10:20:00 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Xa nos gustaría poder falar todos eses idiomas... Temos que conformarnos con empregar o inglés, que é o único que controlamos as dúas partes... Pero non sería mala idea iso de adentrarnos noutras linguas europeas! Eu espero conseguilo co tempo!!

At Thu Apr 05, 11:34:00 pm, Blogger marykinha said...

During these days I was busy so I couldn't read your messager.
The time in Holland was very nice and I tried some Dutch food.
First of all, they have a delicious cookies named "StroopWafels", they are very sweet and you can buy them on the streetmarkets.
I have also tasted some vegetables, but how I was living with people from Turkey and Poland, I also tasted some Turkish food (Ahmet, the Turkish boy is a great cook!).
My kind regards to everybody!


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